[Tex/LaTex] Create a bold enumerated list with parenthesized lower case letters


I can create an enumerated list with parenthesized lower case letters by using the enumitem package (with the [shortlabels] option) in the preamble and then using \begin{enumerate}[(a)]. I can also create a bold enumerated list by using the enumitem package and then using \begin{enumerate}[label=\textbf{\arabic*}].

I guess I should be able to exchange \arabic* in the last example to something that gives me paranthesized lower case letters, but I don't know what that command would be.

Best Answer

You can use label=(\textbf{\alph*}) to get lower case letters, and label=(\textbf{\Alph*}) for upper case letters:

enter image description here




\item one
\item two

\item one
\item two
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