[Tex/LaTex] Coq syntax highlighting


I'd like to get a decent syntax highlighting for Coq code in LaTex. Does anyone know what package, .sty or whatnot is commonly used for this? I tried minted and got a syntax highlighting that's too generic for Coq:



  Module Type types.
    Parameter P PI: Type.
  End types.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I know the question was originally asked for minted, but let me share a listing configuration file that was apparently first created by Assia Mahboubi and shared (and tweaked?) by Nick Giannarakis.

The following:



% lstlisting coq style (inspired from a file of Assia Mahboubi)
    % Anything betweeen $ becomes LaTeX math mode
    % Comments may or not include Latex commands
    % Vernacular commands
    morekeywords=[1]{Section, Module, End, Require, Import, Export,
        Variable, Variables, Parameter, Parameters, Axiom, Hypothesis,
        Hypotheses, Notation, Local, Tactic, Reserved, Scope, Open, Close,
        Bind, Delimit, Definition, Let, Ltac, Fixpoint, CoFixpoint, Add,
        Morphism, Relation, Implicit, Arguments, Unset, Contextual,
        Strict, Prenex, Implicits, Inductive, CoInductive, Record,
        Structure, Canonical, Coercion, Context, Class, Global, Instance,
        Program, Infix, Theorem, Lemma, Corollary, Proposition, Fact,
        Remark, Example, Proof, Goal, Save, Qed, Defined, Hint, Resolve,
        Rewrite, View, Search, Show, Print, Printing, All, Eval, Check,
        Projections, inside, outside, Def},
    % Gallina
    morekeywords=[2]{forall, exists, exists2, fun, fix, cofix, struct,
        match, with, end, as, in, return, let, if, is, then, else, for, of,
        nosimpl, when},
    % Sorts
    morekeywords=[3]{Type, Prop, Set, true, false, option},
    % Various tactics, some are std Coq subsumed by ssr, for the manual purpose
    morekeywords=[4]{pose, set, move, case, elim, apply, clear, hnf,
        intro, intros, generalize, rename, pattern, after, destruct,
        induction, using, refine, inversion, injection, rewrite, congr,
        unlock, compute, ring, field, fourier, replace, fold, unfold,
        change, cutrewrite, simpl, have, suff, wlog, suffices, without,
        loss, nat_norm, assert, cut, trivial, revert, bool_congr, nat_congr,
        symmetry, transitivity, auto, split, left, right, autorewrite},
    % Terminators
    morekeywords=[5]{by, done, exact, reflexivity, tauto, romega, omega,
        assumption, solve, contradiction, discriminate},
    % Control
    morekeywords=[6]{do, last, first, try, idtac, repeat},
    % Comments delimiters, we do turn this off for the manual
    % Spaces are not displayed as a special character
    % String delimiters
    % Size of tabulations
    % Enables ASCII chars 128 to 255
    % Case sensitivity
    % Automatic breaking of long lines
    % Default style fors listings
    % Position of captions is bottom
    % flexible columns
    % Style for (listings') identifiers
    % Style for declaration keywords
    % Style for gallina keywords
    % Style for sorts keywords
    % Style for tactics keywords
    % Style for terminators keywords
    %Style for iterators
    % Style for strings
    % Style for comments
    %    {:>}{{\code{:>}\;}}1
    {~}{{\ }}1

Module Type types.
Parameter P PI: Type.
End types.

Hello World in Coq, courtesy of http://coq-blog.clarus.me/tutorial-a-hello-world-in-coq.html.

Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Io.All.
Require Import Io.System.All.
Require Import ListString.All.

Import ListNotations.
Import C.Notations.

(** The classic Hello World program. *)
Definition hello_world (argv : list LString.t) : C.t System.effect unit :=
System.log (LString.s "Hello world!").

Inductive definition, courtesy of https://coq.inria.fr/a-short-introduction-to-coq.

  Inductive even : N -> Prop :=
| even_0 : even 0
| even_S n : odd n -> even (n + 1)
with odd : N -> Prop :=
| odd_S n : even n -> odd (n + 1).

gives the (not fully satisfactory, in my opinion) following:

enter image description here

It seems to me that minted actually does a better job, as the following

% !TeX document-id = {34714a8d-170f-4947-a4b9-b8812e4a094a}
% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///pdflatex/[--shell-escape]


Module Type types.
Parameter P PI: Type.
End types.

Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Io.All.
Require Import Io.System.All.
Require Import ListString.All.

Import ListNotations.
Import C.Notations.

(** The classic Hello World program. *)
Definition hello_world (argv : list LString.t) : C.t System.effect unit :=
System.log (LString.s "Hello world!").

Inductive definition, courtesy of https://coq.inria.fr/a-short-introduction-to-coq.

Inductive even : N -> Prop :=
| even_0 : even 0
| even_S n : odd n -> even (n + 1)
with odd : N -> Prop :=
| odd_S n : even n -> odd (n + 1).


enter image description here