[Tex/LaTex] Controlling the size of tables produced from the R functions tabular() and latex()


I'll state up front that I'm not absolutely certain whether this question is more appropriate for CrossValidated or for this site. However, since I've seen several questions about the latex() command from Hmisc here, I think this question is suitable for this site.

I'm a relatively experienced R user but pretty new to LaTeX. I am trying to automatically create a large number of pdfs from a set of results generated within R. I'd prefer to create these files entirely within R, if possible. After some searching, I decided to do this through a combination of the tables package and the latex() function from Hmisc.

Some of the tables I'm creating are quite large, and so when I examine the pdfs that I've created, the tables tend to run off the page. What I'd like to do is use either the latex() command or the tabular() command within R to shrink the size of the tables that appear on my resulting pdfs. The latex function has a "size" argument, but specifying size = "small" doesn't appear to work with tables generated by calls to tabular(). Does anyone have any advice?

Some sample code can be found below.


# Create sample data
Condition <- factor(rep(c("Control", "Experimental"), 150))
Time <- factor(rep(c("Baseline", "Baseline", "Three days", "Three days", 
   "Three weeks", "Three weeks"), 50))
var1 <- rnorm(300)
var2 <- rnorm(300)
var3 <- rnorm(300)
var4 <- rnorm(300)
var5 <- rnorm(300)
var6 <- rnorm(300)

# Add to data frame, sprinkle in missing values
d <- data.frame(Condition, Time, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6)
d[sample(1:300, 30), c("var1", "var2", "var3", "var4")] <- NA
d[sample(1:300, 20), c("var5", "var6")] <- NA

# Create helper functions
mean.narm <- function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
sd.narm <- function(x) sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
count.obs <- function(x) sum(!is.na(x))
# Use tabular() from tables
tab <- tabular((Heading("Variable 1") * var1 + Heading("Variable 2") * var2 + 
   Heading("Variable 3") * var3 + Heading("Variable 4") * var4 + Heading("Variable 5") * var5 + 
   Heading("Variable 6") * var6) * Time ~ Condition * ((N=count.obs) + (Mean=mean.narm) + (SD=sd.narm)),
           data = d)

# Ensure that pdflatex is used when I call latex(), below
options(latexcmd = "pdflatex")
options(dviExtension = "pdf")
options(xdvicmd = "C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-215~1.3/bin/i386/open.exe")
# Use the latex() function
latex(tab, "table1.tex")

Edit: As requested, below is the code obtained from a call to latex(tab, ""). As I mentioned above, what I want to do is not just manually modify the LaTeX produced by the latex() function, but to ensure that the LaTeX code generated from the call to latex() produces a smaller table.

& & \multicolumn{6}{c}{Condition} \\ 
& & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Control} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Experimental} \\ 
 & Time & N & Mean & SD & N & Mean & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD} \\ 
Variable 1 & Baseline  & $42$ & $\phantom{-}0.029831$ & $1.0657$ & $46$ & $\phantom{-}0.0067612$ & $1.0687$ \\
 & Three days  & $44$ & $\phantom{-}0.109871$ & $1.0161$ & $43$ & $-0.1633312$ & $1.1552$ \\
 & Three weeks  & $47$ & $\phantom{-}0.160282$ & $1.0613$ & $48$ & $\phantom{-}0.1055877$ & $0.9537$ \\
Variable 2 & Baseline  & $42$ & $-0.166005$ & $1.1078$ & $46$ & $\phantom{-}0.0012202$ & $0.9659$ \\
 & Three days  & $44$ & $-0.205125$ & $0.9315$ & $43$ & $-0.2294237$ & $1.0693$ \\
 & Three weeks  & $47$ & $-0.164718$ & $1.0122$ & $48$ & $-0.0769583$ & $1.0418$ \\
Variable 3 & Baseline  & $42$ & $\phantom{-}0.077019$ & $1.0643$ & $46$ & $\phantom{-}0.0798812$ & $1.0396$ \\
 & Three days  & $44$ & $-0.282688$ & $0.9023$ & $43$ & $\phantom{-}0.1299074$ & $0.9916$ \\
 & Three weeks  & $47$ & $-0.291495$ & $1.0138$ & $48$ & $-0.0240293$ & $1.0309$ \\
Variable 4 & Baseline  & $42$ & $-0.247300$ & $1.0963$ & $46$ & $-0.0409480$ & $1.0901$ \\
 & Three days  & $44$ & $-0.158524$ & $1.0995$ & $43$ & $\phantom{-}0.1486800$ & $0.8722$ \\
 & Three weeks  & $47$ & $-0.149038$ & $0.8798$ & $48$ & $-0.0002842$ & $0.9750$ \\
Variable 5 & Baseline  & $49$ & $\phantom{-}0.008081$ & $0.8102$ & $47$ & $-0.3131353$ & $1.0592$ \\
 & Three days  & $45$ & $-0.241864$ & $1.0037$ & $45$ & $\phantom{-}0.1130470$ & $0.8106$ \\
 & Three weeks  & $44$ & $-0.177473$ & $1.0706$ & $50$ & $-0.0264635$ & $0.7805$ \\
Variable 6 & Baseline  & $49$ & $\phantom{-}0.013659$ & $1.0833$ & $47$ & $-0.0967571$ & $1.0676$ \\
 & Three days  & $45$ & $\phantom{-}0.098045$ & $0.9842$ & $45$ & $\phantom{-}0.0756736$ & $0.9613$ \\
 & Three weeks  & $44$ & $-0.152400$ & $1.0654$ & $50$ & $-0.2145893$ & $1.0157$ \\

Best Answer

Since you are using tables package of R, you must be using Sweave. Here is a .Rnw file that might work for you. I don't have that much background with R. I just use it for some basic statistical computations. So I am sorry if I can't give you a definite answer whether you can set up the size of the table using the latex() command. If that were your only option, I would suggest asking in CrossValidated.

Save this as foobar.Rnw and put it in your working directory. Now, in R, set your working directory using setwd() (if you haven't yet). Now, run


If you are successful doing this, you should see

You can now run (pdf)latex on ‘tableprosweave.tex’

at the end.

Now, in your working directory, open foobar.tex with your favorite TeX editor and run pdflatex or just run

pdflatex foobar

in your terminal/command line.




\SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE, keep.source=TRUE}


booktabs() % To use booktabs formatting

# Create sample data
Condition <- factor(rep(c("Control", "Experimental"), 150))
Time <- factor(rep(c("Baseline", "Baseline", "Three days", "Three days", 
   "Three weeks", "Three weeks"), 50))
var1 <- rnorm(300)
var2 <- rnorm(300)
var3 <- rnorm(300)
var4 <- rnorm(300)
var5 <- rnorm(300)
var6 <- rnorm(300)

# Add to data frame, sprinkle in missing values
d <- data.frame(Condition, Time, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6)
d[sample(1:300, 30), c("var1", "var2", "var3", "var4")] <- NA
d[sample(1:300, 20), c("var5", "var6")] <- NA

# Create helper functions
mean.narm <- function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
sd.narm <- function(x) sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
count.obs <- function(x) sum(!is.na(x))
# Use tabular() from tables

tab <- tabular((Heading("Variable 1") * var1 + Heading("Variable 2") * var2 + 
   Heading("Variable 3") * var3 + Heading("Variable 4") * var4 + Heading("Variable 5") * var5 + 
   Heading("Variable 6") * var6) * Time ~ Condition * ((N=count.obs) + (Mean=mean.narm) + (SD=sd.narm)),
           data = d)


% Here, \small was written just before the code chunk.



% Here, \scriptsize was written just before the code chunk.


%# Ensure that pdflatex is used when I call latex(), below
%options(latexcmd = "pdflatex")
%options(dviExtension = "pdf")
%options(xdvicmd = "C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-215~1.3/bin/i386/open.exe")
%# Use the latex() function
%#latex(tab, file="table1.tex")


I have commented out the last lines as I really don't know what they do and to get the file to compile in my computer :-) Here is the second page output.

enter image description here

If you really are just after the table output, I suggest that you just write \small or \footnotesize, etc, before the code chunk. Again, I don't know how to do this with just the latex() function of R. See manual for more information about Sweave.

Some editors make you edit and compile .Rnw directly from source such as Rstudio. AFAIK, Texmaker can also handle it.