[Tex/LaTex] Continuing the enumerate numbering from other the enumerate list in the document


I have an enumerate list in my latex document as below:

\item 1
\item 2

I want pick the numbering of that particular list somewhere else in the document, i.e., somewhere else the enumerate list should continue from number 3. Is there anyway to do it?

Best Answer

This can be easily done with enumitem and the resume option. However, this will only work if the two enumerate environments follow each other (maybe separated by some text).



\item First item.
\item Second item.
\item Third item


enter image description here

If there is a different list inbetween, you can use the following approach that is based on the series option of the enumitem package.



\item First item.
\item Second item.
\item a different enumerate series
\item Third item 


enter image description here

A detailed description of the resume and series options can be found in section '3.4 Numbering, stopping, and resuming' and '3.5 Series' (page 6) of the enumitem manual.