[Tex/LaTex] Compile with TikZ external library


As explained in the pgf manual under 32.4 and in various other questions/comments here on TeX.sX (https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/44508/9077, https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/32363/9077, https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/23565/9077), it's possible to export a TikZ picture as a pdf with document like this:

% main document, called main.tex
\tikzexternalize % activate!
\node {root}
child {node {left}}
child {node {right}
child {node {child}}
child {node {child}}

The problem, however, is that neither the manual nor these answers provide any detailed explanation for how to compile this document. I'm using texlive in Windows 7 with TeXworks, so please do not suggest command line compilation procedures.

I need to compile with XeLaTeX since I'm using fontspec. My XeLaTeX compilations look like the following:

enter image description here

enter image description here

What do I need to change to be able to use the external TikZ library?

Best Answer

With the help of Paul Gessler's link to How to enable shell-escape in TeXworks?, --shell-escape can be added to the XeLaTeX compilation in TeXworks like this:

enter image description here

Running the MWE in the original question, the compiler will compile a separate file main-figure0.pdf with only the TikZ figure, in addition to the full document main.pdf:

enter image description here