[Tex/LaTex] Command to specify the exact height of a node in Tikz


I have a maybe really dumb question. I am using a matrix of nodes where I specify a 'minimum height' for all nodes globally (1.5 cm)

However, when I now want to set the node height of row 6 to a lower value (1cm), this is ignored.

As far as I know I have the following option for specifiyng the properties of a node:

  • text width ==> width of the node
  • minimum height ==> (minimum)height of the node

Using something like text height makes the content of the nodes shift ugly.
Isn't there some easy way to specify the exact height of the node and not just the minimum value?

Best Answer

I don't see the problem;


\matrix (A) [matrix of nodes,
    nodes in empty cells,
    column sep=1mm, row sep=1mm,
    nodes={draw, minimum height=1.5cm, anchor=center},
    row 2/.style={
        nodes={minimum height=1cm}}
{ & & \\ & & \\};

enter image description here