[Tex/LaTex] Comma after first author name in authoryear biblatex style with two authors


I am using the following:


natbib=true,      % enable natbib macros
%firstinits=true, % use initials as first names
dashed=false,     % do not use a dash instead of author name in case of several publications
maxnames=100,     % in the bibliography show all names
maxcitenames=2,   % in the text use et al. for more than 2
backref=true,     % have backrefs in the bibliography

%print authors in smallcaps everywhere

  \ifboolexpr{ test {\ifmknamesc} and test {\ifuseprefix} }

  \ifboolexpr{ test {\ifcurrentname{labelname}}
               or test {\ifcurrentname{author}}
               or ( test {\ifnameundef{author}} and test {\ifcurrentname{editor}} ) }}

  author = {Gillies, Alexander and Mister Miller},
  title = {Herder and the Preparation of Goethe's Idea of World Literature},
  journaltitle = {Publications of the English Goethe Society},
  volume = {9},
  date = {1933},
  pages = {46--67}}



However this gives:
GILLIES, Alexander and Mister MILLER (1933). “Herder and the Preparation
of Goethe’s Idea of World Literature.” In: Publications of the English
Goethe Society 9, pp. 46–67 (cit. on p. 1).

But I want:

GILLIES, Alexander, and Mister MILLER (1933). “Herder and the Preparation
of Goethe’s Idea of World Literature.” In: Publications of the English
Goethe Society 9, pp. 46–67 (cit. on p. 1).

How can i add the comma?

Best Answer

Add to your preamble either:

%  \ifnumgreater{\value{liststop}}{2}{\finalandcomma}{}% DELETED
  \finalandcomma% ADDED

or in case you don't want the additional comma in citations:

%    \ifnumgreater{\value{liststop}}{2}{\finalandcomma}{}% DELETED
    \finalandcomma% ADDED

Output for the second variant:

enter image description here