[Tex/LaTex] Cleaning up figure placement in Beamer/minipage


I've placed three figures on the same page through the minipage option. However, it looks quite ugly right now.

My latex (beamer) code for this page looks like:

\frametitle{Various initial conditions}
% Nomenclature:
% \begin{align}
%  1-0.05(\cos [2 \pi x/L]+\sin [2 \pi x/L])\underbrace{\cos[2 \pi y/L]}_\text{Trailing term}
% \end{align}


\caption{$1-0.05(\cos [2 \pi x/L]+\sin [2 \pi x/L])\cos[2 \pi y/L]$} 
\caption{{\tiny $1 - 0.05(\cos [2 \pi x/L] + \sin [2 \pi x/L]) \sin[2 \pi y/L]$}}  
\end{minipage} \\
\caption{{\tiny $1 - 0.05(\cos [2 \pi (x+y/\sqrt{2}L)] + \sin [2 \pi (x+y/\sqrt{2}L)]) (\cos[2 \pi (x-y/\sqrt{2}L)])$}}  



And the figures look like:

Screenshot of page

Any suggestions on how I can clean this up?
I also find that the figure caption has too many spaces between the math symbols. Whats up with that?

My preample is:


% \captionsetup{labelformat=empty,labelsep=none}
% \usepackage{makeidx}
% \usepackage{sidecap}

\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]
\setbeamercolor{structure}{bg=yellow, fg=black}

Best Answer

How about this?





\frametitle{Various initial conditions}
                \path[draw=red,fill=red!20] (0,0) rectangle (3,3);
            \tiny Red-square equation:
            $1-0.05(\cos [2 \pi x/L]+\sin [2 \pi x/L])\cos[2 \pi y/L]$
            \phantomsubcaption \label{subfig:red}
                \path[draw=green,fill=green!20] (0,0) rectangle (3,3);
            \tiny Green-square equation:
            $1 - 0.05(\cos [2 \pi x/L] + \sin [2 \pi x/L]) \sin[2 \pi y/L]$
            \phantomsubcaption \label{subfig:green}
                \path[draw=blue,fill=blue!20] (0,0) rectangle (3,3);
            \tiny Blue-square equation:
            $1 - 0.05(\cos [2 \pi (x+y/\sqrt{2}L)] +
            \sin [2 \pi (x+y/\sqrt{2}L)]) (\cos[2 \pi (x-y/\sqrt{2}L)])$
            \phantomsubcaption \label{subfig:blue}



enter image description here

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