[Tex/LaTex] Clean black & white style for minted


I'm using minted to format code in a book. Except for the bw theme, I only see colored styles, which is nice for producing a PDF, but not ideal for printing in black & white.

Is there a clean black & white style I can use (probably something resembling what algorithmicx produces) for pygments/minted which I could use for the printable version of the book?

Best Answer

Marco's solution is probably the nicest one:


The reason I was not getting bold text was that I only loaded Inconsolata and not Inconsolata Bold. I now set up my mono font like this:

\setmonofont[Scale=0.9,BoldFont={Inconsolata Bold}]{Inconsolata}

and the result is fine (using the default style):

black and white code listing