[Tex/LaTex] \cite[page]{book} inside \caption[…]{…}


Is it somehow possible to put a citation including page specification, as in \cite[page]{book}, inside the list-of-figures-relevant caption of a figure, i.e. \caption[*HERE*]{...}?

I can do

\caption[\protect\cite{book}]{other text}


\caption[\protect\cite[page]{book}]{other text}

yields book] other text as the caption in the first run and produces an error "Argument of \NAT@@cite has an extra }" in the second LaTeX run.

I'm using pdfLaTeX and natbib.

Best Answer

The scanning of an optional argument (in brackets, [ and ]) works in a slight different way than the scanning of a mandatory argument (in braces, { and }); TeX counts the braces, but doesn't do the same for brackets. So, with your input, the optional argument that is seen is


that is, everything from [ to the first ] (which is balanced with respect to braces). In order to avoid this problem, brackets inside an optional argument must be "masked" with braces:

\caption[{\protect\cite[page]{book}}]{other text}

The argument cannot have unbalanced braces, so the bracket after page doesn't end it, in this case.

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