[Tex/LaTex] \citealp putting parentheses in citation inappropriately


I am using WinEdt with MikTeX 2.9 in a Windows 7 environment.

I am having issues being able to get text in parentheses working correctly with a citation, specifically that when the document prints to PDF I get extraneous parentheses that should be removed by the natbib command I am using.

I wish to have the following text:

(cited in Axelrod 1997)

But I keep getting:

(cited in Axelrod (1997))

I have tried using two methods to remove the extraneous pair of brackets. First I tried:

\citep[cited in]{Axelrod2}

and then I tried:

\citetext{cited in \citealp{Axelrod2}}

but both give me the same result: two sets of parentheses.

Could someone please advise me where I am going wrong? I have the natbib reference document, and I was copying from the examples in there.

I am using a document template created for my university and I have the following packages and options being loaded:

        head=2.5cm, bmargin=2cm]{geometry}
\RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag}

Best Answer

The natbib package provides the following four basic citation commands: \citet, \citep, \citealt, and \citealp.

When using an author-year citation style, the output of these commands looks like this (assuming that (i) the key axel97 points to an entry written by Axelrod in 1997 and (ii) one uses the plainnat or similar bibliography style):

enter image description here

Since you're looking to typeset the citation without parentheses and commas, you should use the command \citealt.

If you keep getting different results, try loading the natbib package either earlier or later in the preamble (while taking care to load the cleveref package last).