[Tex/LaTex] Circuitikz label in middle of open circuit


I've just started using Circuitikz and and I'd like to know how one would go about getting a label say, 'v', in the middle of the open circuit (perhaps with a plus and minus either side of it).

Also, is it possible to insert an ammeter or a voltmeter which don't have the diagonal line going through it?



\begin{circuitikz}[american, scale = 2]\draw
(0,0)       to [sV = $V_m\cos(\omega t + \theta)$]  (0,2)
            to [C = \si{10}{\pico\farad}]           (2,2)
            to [R = \si{250}{\ohm}, *-*]            (2,0)
            to [L = \si{300}{\micro\henry}]         (0,0)
(2,2)       --                                      (4,2)
            to [voltmeter = \si{800}{\nano\farad}]  (4,0)
            --                                      (2,0)
(0,2)       to [short, *-o]                         (0,3)
(2,2)       to [short, -o]                          (2,3)


Best Answer

You should edit the voltmeter definition from the CircuiTikZ code. I did it for you by commenting some lines and adding a new line to rotate the label. Actually I created a new component named myvoltmeter, based on the original. I mirrored the inductor too. Please, use siunitx as explained in the package manual.

\tikzset{myvoltmeter/.style = {\circuitikzbasekey, /tikz/to

  \pgfpointorigin   \pgf@circ@res@other =  \pgf@x
  \advance \pgf@circ@res@other by -\pgf@circ@res@up



  \pgftransformrotate{90} % rotate the label
    % \pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{-\pgf@circ@res@other}{.8\pgf@circ@res@up}}
    % \pgftransformrotate{45}
    % \pgfnode{currarrow}{center}{}{}{\pgfusepath{stroke}}



\begin{circuitikz}[american, scale = 2]
(0,0)       to [sV = $V_m\cos(\omega t + \theta)$]  (0,2) 
            to [C = \SI{10}{\pico F}]               (2,2) 
            to [R = \SI{250}{\ohm}, *-*]            (2,0) 
(0,0)       to [L = \SI{300}{\micro H}]             (2,0) 
(2,2)       --                                      (4,2) 
            to [myvoltmeter]                        (4,0) 
            --                                      (2,0) 
(0,2)       to [short, *-o]                         (0,3) 
(2,2)       to [short, -o]                          (2,3)
(0,3) [yshift=5pt] to [open, v=$v(t)$]              (2,3) 

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