[Tex/LaTex] circuitikz 0.3.0 label relative position


I'm trying to draw a simple example circuit:


 (0,0) to[C, l=\SI{10}{\micro\farad}] (0,2) -- (0,3)
 to[R, l=\SI{2.2}{\kilo\ohm}] (4,3) -- (4,2)
 to[L, l=\SI{12}{\milli\henry}, i=$i_1$] (4,0) -- (0,0)
 (4,2) to[D*, *-*] (2,0) to [D*, -*] (0,2)
 to[R, l=\SI{1}{\kilo\ohm}] (2,2) to[cV, v=\SI{0.3}{\kilo\ohm} $i_1$] (4,2)
 (2,0) to[I, i=\SI{1}{\milli\ampere}, -*] (2,2)

and I have a problem about the label of the current generator 'I': the presence of the two components (diodes) both on its right and left does not allow the label to be shown properly, overlapping the diodes.

I would like the label to be positioned like the following figure:

enter image description here

(from this page)

In that case, for the 'I' component, this line has been used:

(2,0) to[I, i=$1\milli\ampere$:15, -*] (2,2)

where you can see the :15 directive, which in my case cannot be used (error). I suppose this is due to the package version.

I hope I gave all the possible details to understand and reproduce the problem.

Best Answer

Is that about right? Are you sure it wouldn't be easier just to stick a node with text where you want it?


 (0,0) to[C, l=\SI{10}{\micro\farad}] (0,2) -- (0,3)
 to[R, l=\SI{2.2}{\kilo\ohm}] (4,3) -- (4,2)
 to[L, l=\SI{12}{\milli\henry}, i=$i_1$] (4,0) -- (0,0)
 (4,2) to[D*, *-*] (2,0) to [D*, -*] (0,2)
 to[R, l=\SI{1}{\kilo\ohm}] (2,2) to[cV, v=\SI{0.3}{\kilo\ohm} $i_1$] (4,2)
 (2,0) to[I, i=\raisebox{1.2cm}{\SI{1}{\milli\ampere}\hspace{-0.3cm}},  -*]     (2,2)

Also, the ne anchor point should be in the vicinity.


 (0,0) to[C, l=\SI{10}{\micro\farad}] (0,2) -- (0,3)
 to[R, l=\SI{2.2}{\kilo\ohm}] (4,3) -- (4,2)
 to[L, l=\SI{12}{\milli\henry}, i=$i_1$] (4,0) -- (0,0)
 (4,2) to[D*, *-*] (2,0) to [D*, -*] (0,2)
  to[R, l=\SI{1}{\kilo\ohm}] (2,2) to[cV, v=\SI{0.3}{\kilo\ohm} $i_1$] (4,2)
 (2,0) to[I, n=si1, -*] (2,2)
 (si1.ne) node[above]{\SI{1}{\milli\ampere}}
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