[Tex/LaTex] Chemical equation with heat of formation


I'm new to Latex and I'm having some trouble with a simple chemical equation.
I have the following code:

\usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} % Package for chemical equation typesetting

\begin{equation} \ce{N2(g) + 3H2(g) -> 2NH3(g)}} \end{equation}  
$\Delta H_{\mathrm{f}}^\circ = \SI{-92.5}{kJ}$

This prints everything that I need, but on separate lines. I would just like the heat of formation (deltaH=-92.5kj) to be inline with the equation. I've tried multiple approaches, but keep getting stuck. I haven't seen this discussed on TEX or elsewhere.

Best Answer

You can simply write it inside the equation and maybe add some horizontal space between with \quad or \qquad:

\usepackage[version=4]{mhchem} % Package for chemical equation typesetting

  \ce{N2(g) + 3H2(g) -> 2NH3(g)} \qquad \Delta H_{\mathrm{f}}^\circ = \SI{-92.5}{kJ}


enter image description here

An alternative using chemmacros:


  formula = chemformula , % or mhchem
  modules = thermodynamics


  \ch{N2\gas{} + 3 H2\gas{} -> 2 NH3\gas} \qquad \enthalpy(f){-92.5}


enter image description here

For a non-molar heat of formation it would let you easily define a command \formation:


  formula = chemformula , % or mhchem
  modules = thermodynamics

  symbol = H ,
  subscript =f ,
  unit = \kilo\joule


  \ch{N2\gas{} + 3 H2\gas{} -> 2 NH3\gas} \qquad \formation{-92.5}


enter image description here

There are a number of options for customization (e.g. regarding the position of the subscript).

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