[Tex/LaTex] Checklist in beamer using enumitem package


I am working with beamer and wanna make a slide including a check list . What I wanna do is exactly like in this link: How to create checkbox todo list?. but in beamer instead.

I know that enumitem and beamer are not compatible and I have changed my codes according to this: Does enumitem conflict with beamer for lists?

However, the \only command seems not to work within the itemize environment when enumitem package is used.

Here is my example code, which is not working:

\setitemize{label=\usebeamerfont*{itemize item}
\usebeamercolor[fg]{itemize item}
\usebeamertemplate{itemize item}}
\newcommand{\done}{\rlap{$\square$}{\raisebox{2pt} {\large\hspace{1pt}\cmark}}\hspace{-2.5pt}}
\begin{frame}[t]{My check list} 
    \only<1->{\item Item 1}
    \only<2->{\item Item 2}
    \only<3->{\item [\done]checklist 21}
    \only<4->{\item [\wontfix]checklist 22}
    \only<5->{\item [\wontfix]checklist 23}
    \only<6->{\item Item 3}
    \only<7->{\item[\done]checklist 31}
    \only<8->{\item[\wontfix]checklist 32}
    \only<9->{\item Item 4}
    \only<10->{\item[\done]checklist 41}
    \only<11->{\item [\wontfix]checklist 42}

Please see the attached file for imagination and note that the items will show up one by one enter image description here

Can anyone help me with this issue?

Thanks a ton!


Best Answer

Just use the classic itemize environment. Together with the symbols from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/313337/36296 this gives:




            \item bla

                \item[\done] blub
                \item[\wontfix] bla

            \item blub


enter image description here