[Tex/LaTex] Chapters without dots in ToC

koma-scripttable of contents

I've used this code


to remove the dots and page numbers after the entries in my ToC for all chapters. Is there a way to do this just for an arbitrary chapter?

The following is essentially the code I have.

\documentclass[twoside,openright, titlepage,numbers=noenddot, headinclude, %openany openright oneside twoside
                footinclude=true,cleardoublepage=empty, abstractoff, 





\chapter{Test Chapter One}

\section{Section One One}
\section{Section One Two}
\chapter{Test Chapter Two}
\section{Section Two One}
\section{Section Two Two}


The result is this

enter image description here

What I want is, for instance, only Test Chapter Two with dots after the title.

In particular is there a way to make the dots appear when the chapter has no sections?

Best Answer

Just put the toggles \addtocontents{toc}{\cftpagenumbersoff{chapter}} and \addtocontents{toc}{\cftpagenumberson{chapter}} when and where you need it.

\documentclass[twoside,openright, titlepage,numbers=noenddot, headinclude, %openany openright oneside twoside
                footinclude=true,cleardoublepage=empty, abstractoff, 




\chapter{Test Chapter One}

\section{Section One One}
\section{Section One Two}

\chapter{Test Chapter Two}
\section{Section Two One}
\section{Section Two Two}

\chapter{Test Chapter Three}
\section{Section Three One}
\section{Section Three Two}


enter image description here

And if for some reason you wanted the page number, but not the dots, for a single entry, try this:

\documentclass[twoside,openright, titlepage,numbers=noenddot, headinclude, %openany openright oneside twoside
                footinclude=true,cleardoublepage=empty, abstractoff, 




\chapter{Test Chapter One}

\section{Section One One}
\section{Section One Two}

\chapter{Test Chapter Two}
\section{Section Two One}
\section{Section Two Two}

\chapter{Test Chapter Three}
\section{Section Three One}
\section{Section Three Two}


enter image description here

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