[Tex/LaTex] Changing the linespacing of headings independently from the rest of the text


I'm currently writing my thesis using TeXworks and MiKTeX.

I'm using the report document class. My problem is that I need to increase line spacing but some of my chapter and section headings are very long (sometimes spanning 5 lines which is half a page for a chapter heading). Headings such as this one I cannot change to be shorter (the work is already published) but I'd rather not have an entire page taken up with a heading.

I've tried \doublespacing in setspace as well as \linespread.

Any and all suggestions would be great.

\usepackage[lmargin=4.0cm, rmargin=2.5cm,tmargin=3cm,bmargin=2.5cm]{geometry}




Best Answer

You could use the optional ToC argument of \chapter and modify the mandatory argument using \setstretch from setspace. Here's a minimal example showing the difference in output:

enter image description here

\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum
\usepackage{setspace}% http://ctan.org/pkg/setspace
\chapter[Here is a long title that spans a number of lines and 
    takes up a large amount of space on a single page]%
  {\setstretch{0.5}Here is a long title that spans a number of lines and 
    takes up a large amount of space on a single page}
\chapter{Here is a long title that spans a number of lines and 
    takes up a large amount of space on a single page}

You can't just use the mandatory argument to manage the line spread since it makes its way into the ToC without an optional argument.

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