[Tex/LaTex] Changing ‘and’ in citation (citet, citep)


I'm writing something in Dutch.

I use author-year citations (using the package natbib and the bibliographystyle unstrnat). But when there are two authors, citep and citet generate these citations:

\citet{Pious2012}   % an article by Pious and Prévost in my bibliography


Pious and Prévost (2012)
(Pious and Prévost, 2012)

The word "and" isn't Dutch so needs to be changed to "en". I have no idea how to do this. In the preamble and at the beginning of the document I specify the language as Dutch but citep and citet seem to ignore this. Does anyone know how to change the "and"?

This is a MWE:

       author = {Piou, Cyril and Pr\'{e}vost, Etienne},
       title = {A demo-genetic individual-based model for Atlantic salmon populations: Model structure, parameterization and sensitivity},
       journal = {Ecological Modelling},
       volume = {231},
       pages = {37-52},
       ISSN = {0304-3800},
       year = {2012},
       type = {Journal Article}



\usepackage[round, authoryear]{natbib}




Here is: \citet{Pious2012} and \citep{Pious2012}



Part of the bibliography is in the mwe (filecontents).

As you can see, I use "and" in my bibliography, I think that's necessary for LaTeX to recognise that there are different authors.

Best Answer

As Ulrike Fischer notes, this is hard-baked into the unsrtnat.bst file. If it's your only problem, though, you can proceed as follows:

  • Find a copy of unsrtnat.bst, either on your system or on CTAN.
  • Rename that, so that it's called something like unsrtnat-nl.bst.
  • Modify it. Don't try to understand it! Just open it in a text editor and look for the appearances of the string " and " (including the quotes). You will find it in three functions.
  • Change " and " to " en ". Save the file.
  • Use unsrtnat-nl as your bibliographystyle
  • Wait until the next time you find something hardcoded there that you need to change and switch to biblatex