[Tex/LaTex] Change width of arrow


This is a MWE of my code:



        single arrow,
        minimum height=2.5ex,
        line width=1pt,
        single arrow head extend=0.1ex

\tikz [baseline=-0.5ex]{\node [myarrow,rotate=90] {};}
\tikz [baseline=-1ex]{\node [myarrow,rotate=-90] {};}


This is some text.\\
And some more.\\
And even more.


which gives me this:


the line width will only reduce the width of the arrows up to a certain point but no more. I want the arrows to look a little thinner. I'm using PDFLaTeX to compile on Ubuntu 12.10. Cheers.

Best Answer

For tweaking an arrow node the TiKz manual lists the following options: single arrow head extend, inner sep= and single arrow head indent. I'd like to add the yscale or xscale options. Playing with these values you may get the desired appearance.



        single arrow,
        minimum height=2.5ex,
        line width=1pt,
        single arrow head extend=0.1ex

\tikz [baseline=-0.5ex]{\node [myarrow,rotate=90, single arrow head extend=2mm,inner sep=.1mm] {};}% or: single arrow head indent=⟨length⟩
\tikz [baseline=-1ex]{\node [myarrow,rotate=-90,  yscale=.5, single arrow head extend=1mm] {};}


This is some text.\\
And some more.\\
And even more.


In this example i especially like the second (down) arrow.