[Tex/LaTex] Change Table Caption Numbering


I want to change the caption number from 2.1 to 2.3.1 as my section is 2-3. I got try to use \usepackage{chngcntr} and \counterwithin{table}{section} but due to my section title is 2-3. It will label the '2.3.1' that I want as '2-3.1'. Anyone know how to change?

Section title

Using counterwithin method

Best Answer

chngcntr is meant to manage counter resetting from continuous to per-unit and vice versa. However, you're interested in adjusting the counter representation. To do so add


to your document preamble. The default would be to use


which would inherit the hierarchy associated with the section numbering (also, typically, \thechapter.\arabic{section}), and pass it on to the table numbering. For what it's worth, this is a good thing, since the numbering style matches across the hierarchy and is consistent.