[Tex/LaTex] change footline box position


I am using theme "goettingen" to build my beamer presentation. I have used the following settings for my slides

\usetheme[hideothersubsections, left, width=.15\paperwidth]{goettingen}

\setbeamercolor{date in head/foot}{fg=black, bg=blue!15}

\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.7\paperwidth, center]{date in head/foot}


However I am not able to locate the footline box to the right. I hope the following shot clarifies my question.
Also I want to configure the default buttons that comes with the theme. I hope someone has idea how to configure it as shown in the following shot.

enter image description here

I will be grateful if someone has idea also to control color of the footline box to be degraded like the left bar

Best Answer

Try \hfill or \hfil just before the beamercolorbox. This will push the box to the right.

\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.7\paperwidth, center]{date in head/foot}