[Tex/LaTex] Change font tabular for a specific row


I am using tabular to create a table in latex. You can see my work below:

In this I need to change the font for the 2nd row to Courier font.

How can I achieve this. I do not want to change the font for the rest of the rows, specially the header.


My Work:

\usepackage{color, colortbl}

        \textbf{Header 1} & \textbf{Header 2} & \textbf{Header 3} \\ \hline 
        \multirow{2}{*}{A}  & Col2 & ABCDE (Row1) \\ \cline{2-3}
        & Col2 & ABCDE (Row2) \\    \hline 
        B                   & Col2 & ABCDE (Row3)\\ \hline 


Adding \texttt at row level didn't work. See below

\usepackage{color, colortbl}

        \textbf{Header 1} & \textbf{Header 2} & \textbf{Header 3} \\ \hline 
        \texttt{\multirow{2}{*}{A}  & Col2 & ABCDE (Row1)} \\ \cline{2-3}
        \texttt{\& Col2 & ABCDE (Row2)} \\    \hline 
        \texttt{\B                   & Col2 & ABCDE (Row3)}\\ \hline 


Adding \texttt at every cell level worked.

\usepackage{color, colortbl}

        \textbf{Header 1} & \textbf{Header 2} & \textbf{Header 3} \\ \hline 
        \multirow{2}{*}{\texttt{A}}  & \texttt{Col2} & \texttt{ABCDE (Row1)} \\ \cline{2-3}
        & \texttt{Col2} & \texttt{ABCDE (Row2)} \\    \hline 
        \texttt{B}                   & \texttt{Col2} & \texttt{ABCDE (Row3)}\\ \hline 



enter image description here

Best Answer

Just use \texttt separately around each cell. a table cell is a group like {...} so there is no natural way to start a font change in the first cell in a row and make it last for the whole row.