[Tex/LaTex] change font size of moderncv


How can I increase the font size in moderncv?

The font size in \documentclass is currently ignored.

I only found solutions to change \namefont, \titlefont, \addressfont, \quotefont, \sectionfont, \subsectionfont, \hintfont and \pagenumberfont.

But I want to change the standard font size.

Defining my own Mycventry according to Change body font in moderncv without affecting the other fonts is a solution.

However redefining the \cventry with \xpatchcmd as suggested at Moderncv: \cvitem text is too large does not work.

Here is an example:


\newcommand\Mycventry[6]{\cventry{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{\Huge#6}}  % this works

\xpatchcmd{\cventry}{#6}{\Huge #6}{}{}  % this does not work



\section{Test Section}
\Mycventry{2012}{Title}{Institute}{City}{}{Mycventry font size working.}
\cventry{2012}{Title}{Institute}{City}{}{cventry font size not working.}


Best Answer

If you really want an oversized CV, you can load the extsizes package; moderncv only accepts 10pt, 11pt and 12pt.




\section{Test Section}

\cventry{2012}{Title}{Institute}{City}{}{cventry font size not working.}


The maximum font size provided is 20pt.

enter image description here