[Tex/LaTex] Change directory using PDFLatex in command line


I want pdflatex to just run

pdflatex 'current_file'.tex

And then afterwards compile my main.tex which is in another directory. So to make my realtive paths working I have to use a change directory command like 'cd'.

Using a normald shell in windows work when I say

 pdflatex 'current_file'.tex && cd home/tex/ && pdflatex main

However, in Kile this did not work. Is it somehow possible as I can just configure the pure Pdflatex command. Is it possible to add in its arguments something like a change directory so to have:

pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode 'change directory command' file


Best Answer

You can set the -output-directory argument of pdflatex, like so:

pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -output-directory='/path/to the/new/' '/path/to the/new/file.tex'