[Tex/LaTex] Change color in hypersetup/hyperref



\hypersetup{colorlinks = true, allcolors = blue}

\Crefmultiformat{figure}{Figs.~#2#1#3}{ and~#2#1#3}{, #2#1#3}{ and~#2#1#3}


\journal{Journal of \LaTeX\ Templates}





\captionsetup[figure]{labelfont={bf},labelformat={default},labelsep=period,name={Fig.}}%used to ref Figure 1: to Fig.1.


In  \Cref{figure}, in ref \cite{allik_hughes_1}, in \Cref{table}  and in equation Eq. \ref{equation}

M=\frac{a{b}c}{2}. dE, \label{equation}

  \includegraphics[height=1.0 in, width=2.0 in]{bimorph_series_no_metal.png} 
\caption{Static deflection of the bimorph actuator: Accuracy analysis} \label{figure}.

\caption{Accuracy : Static } \label{table}
\begin{tabular}{c c c c c c}
\multirow{3}{*}{none} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{none}\\ \cline{2-3}&a($\mu$m)&relative error[\%]\\ \cline{2-3} \cline{4-5}
1000&1000&100& \\ 



Hello, I would like to change the color of cross-references and doi in references from blue to cyan. I tried \hypersetup{colorlinks = true, allcolors = cyan} many another color in place of blue, still I get blue. Find the mybibfile in the attachment
Thank you in advance

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

You could use \hypersetup{allcolors = cyan} after \begin{document} to change all links to cyan.


\hypersetup{colorlinks = true, allcolors = cyan}


\hypersetup{allcolors = cyan}


\caption{Static deflection of the bimorph actuator: Accuracy analysis.} \label{figure}

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