[Tex/LaTex] centering in a two column document in latex


I want to put the table in the center of the page of a two column document.

This is my original code

\multirow{2}{*}{{Method}} & \multirow{2}{*}{{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}temperature \\ \end{tabular}}} & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{{B}}                               & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{{C}}                                \\ \cline{3-10} 
                                 &                                                                                & {Region1}   & { Region2}    & { Region3}   & { Region4}  & { Region5}   & { Region6}    & { Region7}   & { Region8}  \\ \hline
{Timberlake {[6}{]}}     & {98}                                                                   & {81.2}  & {95.9}  & {73.6}  & {12.2}  & {32.5}  & {91.5}  & {11.59}  & {3.2}  \\ \hline
{Agnewl {[8}{]}}     & {99}                                                                   & {82.2}  & {54.2}  & {67.2}  & {87.2}  & {81.2}  & {32}  & {1.3}  & {44.0}  \\ \hline
\caption {List  with Temp vs regions  } \label{tab:title}

I tried \begin{center} and \centering but none helped.

Could someone advise?
How could I put this table in center of a two document page?

Best Answer

I propose two solutions: exchanging rows and co, so it can fit in a column width, ore use the strip environment, from the cuted package (shipunov bundle), which allows full width objects in two-column documents. Of course, these do not float, a have to replace \caption with the \captionof command.

I took the liberty to improve the table to my taste, removing all vertical lines, and using the rule commands from booktabs:

\usepackage{cuted, ragged2e}
\usepackage{lipsum, array, booktabs, caption}



    \multicolumn{2}{l}{Method} & Timberlake {[6}{]} & Agnewl {[8}{]}\\
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{Temperature} & 98 & 99 \\
    \multirow{4}{*}{B} & Region 1 & 81.2 & 82.2 \\
                       & Region 2 & 95.9 & 54.2 \\
                       & Region 3 & 73.6 & 67.2 \\
                       & Region 4 & 12.2 & 87.2 \\
    \multirow{4}{*}{C} & Region 5 & 32.5 & 81.2 \\
                       & Region 6 & 91.5 & 32 \\
                       & Region 7 & 11.59 & 1.3 \\
                       & Region 8 & 3.2 & 44.0 \\
  \caption{List with Temp vs regions } \label{tab:titlenew}


    \multirow{2}{*}[-0.6ex]{Method} & \multirow{2}{*}[-0.6ex]{Temperature} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{{B}} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{{C}} \\
                         & & Reg.\,1 & Reg.\,2 & Reg.\,3 & Reg.\,4 & Reg.\,5 & Reg.\,6 & Reg.\,7 & Reg.\,8 \\
    {Timberlake {[6}{]}} & {98} & {81.2} & {95.9} & {73.6} & {12.2} & {32.5} & {91.5} & {11.59} & {3.2} \\ \addlinespace
    {Agnewl {[8}{]}} & {99} & {82.2} & {54.2} & {67.2} & {87.2} & {81.2} & {32} & {1.3} & {44.0} \\
  \captionof{table}{List with Temp vs regions } \label{tab:title}



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