[Tex/LaTex] CD icon/symbol for latex


Is there a CD icon / symbol for LaTeX? I was looking through the whole The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List but haven't found any.

I'm after something like this: 💿 or this.

Best Answer

For simple icons, I would also use TikZ to draw my own icon (e.g. modelled on your link).

enter image description here


\draw[line width=.1ex] (0,0) circle(.8ex);
\draw[line width=.2ex] (0,0) circle(.2ex);
\draw[line width=.15ex] ([shift=(270:.5ex)]0,0) arc (270:340:.5ex);
\draw[line width=.15ex] ([shift=(90:.5ex)]0,0) arc (90:160:.5ex);


Billie Holiday, {\it Body and Soul}, Verve Records \disc

\Large {\it Body and Soul} (1957) \disc

\footnotesize Billie Holiday, {\it Body and Soul} (1957) \disc

\tiny Billie Holiday, {\it Body and Soul} (1957), Verve Records \disc
