[Tex/LaTex] Both \textsc and \textbf for sections using Modern CV


Well, all is in the title. I don't want to use something like loading fontenc or anything like this, just enable \section{\textbf{\textsc{Experience}}}


Well thanks to all of you, I tried that :




\title{\normalsize Iiiiiiiiiiiii }
\address{\textbf{113 iiiii}}{\textbf{000 Vvvvv}}  
\extrainfo{\textbf{bla bla}}  



Perhaps it works. "Experience" seem to be normal in bold. Using "fontenc" as I don't like that sourseanpro doesn't work (for me). What I need is result IN BOLD when deleting sourceandpro and renewcomand line and using \textsc in section.

Well I'm not satisfied and how to use "sans" option properly ?

Best Answer

\renewcommand*{\sectionfont}{\Large\bfseries\scshape} will do the job, but as Werner said, you need a suitable font. sourcesanspro has bold small caps, for example (and I like it).

As karlkoeller says, since that's a sans serif font, you need to pass the class option sans:


If you want a serif font instead, you could load the bold-extra package, or choose a font from those in this answer: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/98581/61789