[Tex/LaTex] Bold and colored figure caption label in beamer


I'm working on a beamer poster and would like my figure labels to be both bold font and colored. I'm using the command \captionsetup[figure]{labelformat=simple, labelsep=period, labelfont=bf} to configure the caption, which gives me the bold font, but sets the color back to black. Anyone know how to get both?


I was able to get the desired effect by placing the following lines in the header:

\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{mycaption}{\usebeamercolor[fg]{caption name}#1 #2. }
\captionsetup[figure]{labelformat=mycaption, labelsep=none, labelfont=bf}

Best Answer

No need to use the caption package for this; use

\setbeamerfont{caption name}{series=\bfseries}
\setbeamertemplate{caption label separator}[period]

A complete example:


\setbeamerfont{caption name}{series=\bfseries}
\setbeamertemplate{caption label separator}[period]




enter image description here

If you want to use the caption package for this (make sure your caption package is updated):


\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{mycaption}{\usebeamercolor[fg]{caption name}#1#2}
\captionsetup[figure]{labelformat=mycaption, labelsep=period, labelfont=bf}



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