[Tex/LaTex] Blank space between paragraphs


I am trying to learn how to use Texmaker (just for the record, I don't know a single thing about programming or Latex) and I am having some difficulty to create space between paragraphs or between lines. For example, I start my document with:


Semisimple modules



I want to leave an empty line between "Semisimple modules" and "Theorem…", how can I do this?

Remember that I am a completely newbie with Texmaker (and with programs in general…) so please be patient with me if I ask too obvious things or if I make silly mistakes. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You want to give structure to your document. Here's an example.



\section{Semisimple modules}

A module is said to be \emph{semisimple} if it equals the sum
of its simple submodules. Note that the zero module is semisimple,
being the sum of the (empty) family of its simple submodules.

A ring is called \emph{semisimple} if it is semisimple as a right
module over itself. We shall see later that right semisimple is
the same as left semisimple, so we can omit the indication of the

A module is semisimple if and only if it is a direct sum of
simple submodules.

It's obvious, isn't it?


enter image description here

As you see, the space above and below the statement is automatically added.