[Tex/LaTex] Bibliography using BibLatex does not work with TexShop


It is the first time that I use bibliography in a document and after a brief search, I realised that this is was done with BibTeX which was succeeded by BibLaTeX. This is a sample of my document.

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=ieee]{biblatex}

\title{Related Work}


This is some text and this is a reference \cite {art1}.



What I get is

enter image description here

which is the text inside the braces of \cite with bold where normally should be the citation and no References at the and of the document at all. I also get errors of undefined citation and empty bibliography. I searched that and I found that BibLaTeX uses a different backend machine, biber, which is not invoked.

Here: Biblatex with Biber: Configuring my editor to avoid undefined citations
and in many other answers suggested adding this

% !BIB TS-program = biber

as the first line of the document, so that LaTeX uses the right backend machine for this document, even though the default may be different.

Since this hasn't work, are there any other suggestions? Also if possible, can someone explain a bit further about the whole situation?

Best Answer

Bernard's suggestion is the way to do it, compile the document, then run biber and again the document (I didn't do anything about the encoding).

I found two ways to achieve that in TeXShop:

either next to the typeset button, choose pdflatexmk and with a single typeset the document is ready

enter image description here

enter image description here

or without changing anything from the typeset menu, inserting this % !BIB TS-program = biber command as the first line of the document and then typeset the document, run biber Cmd + Shift + B and then again typeset. This command basically, changes for the specific document the engine from BibTeX to biber, because the default is BibTeX.

enter image description here

A way to understand that biber hasn't run is that before compiling biber I didn't get any .bbl and .blg files.

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