[Tex/LaTex] Bibliography numbering in Beamer with authoryear style


I use a (biblatex+biber) style=authoryear bibliography, and do my citations using \footcite{}. I like the way this looks when citing. However, in the bibliography I want the item bullets to be numbers like you can do when using the numbered style (as is explained in How do I get numbered entries in a beamer bibliography). How can I do the same thing, but using the footcite counter instead.

Requested minimal example: I want the output produced by the code below, except I want the bibliography to have an item bullet [i] where i is the number of the foot citation (instead of the document icon).



    author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
    year = {1986},
    title = {The \TeX book},
    author = {Author, A.},
    year = {2000},
    title = {A book},


% \setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{???} % Insert something that hopefully magically fixes everything.


  Citation one \footcite{Knu86}

  Citation two \footcite{Aut}



Note that including \setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{\insertbiblabel} would have been the solution if I had used style=authoryear.

Only footcite is used to for citations and bibliography entries are never cited twice. There is a clear one to one map from footcite numbering and the bibliography numbering so I'm hoping that a Tex expert knows how to make this work.

Best Answer

Try this


\usepackage[backend=biber, citestyle=numeric, bibstyle=authoryear, sorting=none, autocite=superscript, labeldateparts]{biblatex}

\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{\insertbiblabel}








  Citation one \autocite[12]{sigfridsson}

  Citation two \autocite{worman}

  Citation three \autocite{nussbaum}
  Citation four \autocite{sigfridsson}



Essentially we combine authoryear and numeric as in Combining style numeric with style authoryear in BibLaTeX, furthermore, we use \supercite to give us a footnote with the citation number. The code for the ay macros is from authoryear.cbx. Numbers are printed in the bibliography thanks to How do I get numbered entries in a beamer bibliography

example page 1 (footnote was moved) example page 2 (footnote was moved) example page 3 (footnote was moved) example page 4 (cropped)

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