[Tex/LaTex] Bibliography as \section instead of \section*

bibliographiestable of contents

I’m writing on my thesis at the moment and have a problem with the bibliography. I want to have a bibliography for every chapter. I included the \usepackage[sectionbib]{chapterbib} command. The bibliography is now in the list of contents, but not as section. How can I change the sectionbib to make a \section of it instead of a \section*?

Best Answer

This is another solution, with the package tocbibind.

Load chapterbib as


and tocbibind as


The option nottoc avoids the ToC to be inserted in the ToC itself, while the option numbib transforms the bibliography in a non-starred \section.

MWE (kindly borrowed from Harish' one):

  \chapter{First Chapter}
  \section{A section}
  \chapter{Second Chapter}
  \section{Another section}
%% this too becomes a section not \chapter*


enter image description here

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