[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex: Suppress pages in journal


I went trough Guidelines for customizing biblatex styles and could solve some of the problems I encountered while customizing the alphabetic style (an answer for authoryear style is given in Biblatex – How to change format of journal, volume and page numbers in bibliography) to my needs

For a journal article

 title = {some article},
 volume = {5},
 number = {1},
 journaltitle = {some journal},
 author = {Some, {Person} },
 date = {2005-12-01},
 pages = {175--176},
 langid = {english},

I'd like to have an output of the form

…,5(1):175-176 (2005),…

I managed to to this by the redefinitions:


 title = {some article},
 volume = {5},
 number = {1},
 journaltitle = {some journal},
 author = {Some, {Person} },
 date = {2005-12-01},
 pages = {175--176},
 langid = {english},

%  \setunit*{\adddot}% DELETED
\setunit*{\addnbthinspace}% NEW (optional); there's also \addnbthinspace



Instead I get …,5(1):175-176 (2005), 175-176,
i.e. the page numbers are printed twice. How can I get rid of the second printing of the page numbers?

Best Answer

Just add \clearfield{pages} directly after \printfield{pages}


But since the macro note+pages is only used by @rticles you might as well redefine it

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