[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex does not reverse the first and last names of the second author


I have the following .bib file:

    author="First1 Last1 and First2 Last2",
    title="A sample book",
    publisher="Public Domain Books",

Then I use lualatex biber lualatex lualatex to generate the pdf file.

However, the generated entry would look like this:

Last1, First1 and First2 Last2, A sample book, Public Domain Books

My biblatex package settings:


Best Answer

This seems to be a feature (not a bug) of the mla style that you are using: the first author is written as "Last, First" and all subsequent authors are written as "First Last".

See some examples at the end of http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/

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