[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex citation style ASM


Bbased on the code in configuring bibliography with biblatex and BibTeX style for the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) – chronological order, authors bold
I am trying to configure the bibliography so that looks like the ASM exsample:

  1. Caserta E, Haemig HAH, Manias DA, Tomsic J, Grundy FJ, Henkin TM, Dunny GM. 2012. In vivo and in vitro analyses of regulation of the pheromone-responsive prgQ promoter by the PrgX pheromone receptor protein. J. Bacteriol. 194:3386-3394.

So far I was able to get the following code:

\documentclass[american, 12pt]{article}






 % remove the \addot if you don't want a dot before the year.
 \xapptobibmacro{author}{\adddot\addspace\printfield{year}}{\typeout{successfully patched bibmacro{author} to include year}}{\typeout{failed to patch bibmacro{author} to include year}}
 \xapptobibmacro{editor}{\adddot\addspace\printfield{year}}{\typeout{successfully patched bibmacro{editor} to include year}}{\typeout{failed to patch bibmacro{editor} to include year}}



author        = {David D. Ho and Avidan U. Neumann and Alan S. Perelson and Wen Chen   and John M. Leonard and Martin Markowitz},
title         = {Rapid turnover of plasma virions and CD4 lymphocytes in HIV-1 infection},
journal       = {Nature},
volume        = {373},
number        = {6510},
page          = {123-126},
date          = {1995},
  author        = {Arnold Uthor and William Riter and Rita Esearcher and Steven C. Ientist and Stuart T. Udent and Peter R. Ofessor and Lewis E. C. Turer},
title         = {An Article about Articles},
journal       = {Journal of Articles},
volume        = {8},
number        = {2},
page          = {1-5},
date          = {2010},
  author        = {Arnold Uthor and William Riter},
  title         = {A Very Interesting Article},
  journal       = {Journal of Articles},
  volume        = {7},
  number        = {3},
  page          = {1-5},
  date          = {2010},
  author        = {Walter Ordsmith},
  editor        = {Eddie Ditor},
  title         = {The Work},
  subtitle      = {Subtitle},
  date          = {1983},
  author        = {Bernie Logger},
  title         = {A Very Opinionated Blog Post},
  url           = {http://example.com},
  year          = {2013},

  Let's cite \cite{ho1995}.

How can I remove the bracket [1] to get 1. on the number in the biblography and how to suppress the date at the end of the reference after the pages?
Thank you for your suggestions.

Best Answer

I can partially answer: adding this line to your preamble will suppress the brackets and add a dot:


As for having the date after the author name, it's a bit more complicated (at least for me — maybe someone can give a better solution). It consists in firstly looking at the different \DeclareBibliographyDriver commands in standard.bbx and suppressing the macros that are in charge of the date, replacing them if necessary.
I give a couple of examples: for the book class, there is a


which you have to replace by


The latter is not defined by biblatex. So you have to define a \newbibmacro*{publisher+location} that will have the same ingredients as the former, except that you'll delete the last but one command, \usebibmacro{date}. That will settle the case of book, collection, inbook, incollection and manual.

Similar other bibmacros will have to be replaced in the same way : location+date (booklet, unpublished); event+venue+date ((in)proceedings); organization+location+date (misc); institution+location+date (report, thesis). For patent (?) and online, just suppress \usebibmacro{date}.

The case of article is a little different: the responsible for printing the date is the journal+issuetitle macro; towards the end of the macro definition, you'll have to replace a \usebibmacro{issue+date} by \usebibmacro{issue}.

Secondly, the bibliography drivers, just after the lines mentioning the author/translator, there is this line:


Insert just above it these 2 lines:


That's all. I hope I've been clear. Let me add that you don't need to use xpatch for this solution.

Result:enter image description here

Added on 01/30: here is the code I used to redefine the journal+issue macro:
