[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex bibliography no longer shows up


I don't know what is going on, but I've moved computers and my biblatex bibliography no longer gets printed.

I do the usual:


I am using TeXworks and click on the play button with the "pdfLaTex" selected.
But there is no bibliography that gets generated!
All it says is:

54 LaTeX Warning: Empty bibliography on input line 54.

which is the line that says \printbibliography.

I am using Windows 7. I tried MikTeX, and just tried TeXworks (from TeX Live) – same thing.

I have no idea what's going on, any help?

Best Answer

Ok the problem was that I used bibtex and no "biber" to compile my latex file. I found an answer on SO:

From the topmenu: Build/Define Output Profiles/

Path to bibtex executable: "fill in location of biber.exe"

Command line arguments to pass to Bibtex: "%bm" (is same as main file's full path without extension)

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