Beamer – Removing Navigation Bar from One Slide


I'm using beamer and the theme Copenhagen. I would like to remove the navigation menu (the list of section names shown at the top of each slide) from the first (first page) and from the summary slides.

How can I do that?

Best Answer

You can set the headline beamer template to be empty locally, using \setbeamertemplate{headline}{}; if the frame has space reserved for a frame title, in addition to the modification mentioned before, you will have to move the frame title upwards for this frame, and this can be done by adding a convenient \vspace{<length>} to the frametitle template (also locally). A little example removing the navigation bar from the frame containing \maketitle and for the frames containing the ToCs generated with \AtBeginSection:


\AtBeginSection[] % Do nothing for \section*

\title{The Title}
\author{The Author}
\institute{The Institute}



\section{Test Section One}
\begin{frame}{The frame title}
test one
\begin{frame}{The frame title}
test two
\section{Test Section Two}
\begin{frame}{The frame title}
test three
\begin{frame}{The frame title}
test four


The resulting document:

enter image description here

For an specific frame the same principle applies:

Some text here

A complete example, as required in a comment;


\title{The Title}
\author{The Author}
\institute{The Institute}



Some text here

\section{Test Section One}
\begin{frame}{The frame title}
test one
\begin{frame}{The frame title}
test two
\section{Test Section Two}
\begin{frame}{The frame title}
test three
\begin{frame}{The frame title}
test four
