[Tex/LaTex] Beamer Table Alignment

beamerhorizontal alignmenttables

I am wondering how to delete the empty space on the right side of the last column. Also, is there any way to align Panel A and B in beamer?

%\documentclass[handout,table,slidestop,compress,mathserif, 10pt]{beamer}
    \documentclass[table,slidestop,compress,mathserif, 10pt]{beamer}
    \setbeamersize{text margin left=10mm, text margin right=7mm}


    \newcommand{\indicator}[1]{\mathbbm{1}_{\left[ {#1} \right] }}
        {\rule[-\textheight/2]{1ex}{\textheight}}%WIDTH-LIMITED BIG WEDGE
    \newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}



      {\fontsize{16}{16}\selectfont Title} \\ 


    \date[September 7, 2017]
    {September 7, 2017}

    % The main document


    \begin{frame}[label=Survivorship_Result2b]{Subsample test}
        \multicolumn{5}{l}{\textbf{Panel A: Group A}} \\
       & \textbf{(1)} & \textbf{(2)} & \textbf{(3)}& \textbf{(4)} & \textbf{(5)}  \\\hline 

    \tikzmark{newcolr}{\textbf{A $\cdot$ B} &\ 0.006& 0.006 &0.006&0.006&0.005  \\
    &\ [4.05]&[2.58]&[3.29]&[3.06]&[4.06]}\\
    \textbf{A} &-0.004& -0.003 & -0.003&-0.003 &-0.003   \\
    &[-6.81]&[-3.49] &[-4.10] &[-3.05]&[-3.35]\\

    \textbf{B} &  &&-0.002&-0.002 \\
    &&& [-1.60]& [-1.55] \\\hline

        \multicolumn{5}{l}{\textbf{Panel B: Group X}} \\
       & \textbf{(1)} & \textbf{(2)} & \textbf{(3)}& \textbf{(4)} & \textbf{(5)}  \\\hline 

    \tikzmark{colorsa}{\textbf{X $\cdot$ Y} &\ 0.003& 0.002 &0.002&0.002&0.002  \\
    &\ [1.44]&[1.28]&[1.40]&[1.32]&[1.24]}\\
    \textbf{X} &-0.001& 0.000 & 0.000&0.000 &-0.001   \\
    &[-1.67]&[0.04] &[0.04] &[0.04]&[-1.08]\\
    \textbf{Y} &  &&-0.001&-0.001 \\
    &&& [-1.06]& [-1.00]\\ 

    \textbf{Controls}& No& Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes  \\
    \textbf{Group FEs}& Yes& Yes & No & No & Yes  \\
    \textbf{Family FEs}& No& No & Yes & Yes & No  \\
    \textbf{Individual FEs}& No& No & No & Yes & No  \\
    \textbf{Family-Individual Clustering}& Yes& Yes & Yes & Yes& Yes \\
    \textbf{Observations}&8,895&7,654&7,654& 7,654&4,538  \\
    \textbf{R-squared} &0.48&0.53&0.40&0.41 &0.54 \\\hline

    \tikz[overlay,remember picture]{\draw[draw=red,thick,single,fill opacity=0.2] ($(colorsa)+(-0.19,0.28)$) rectangle ($(colorsa)+(11.9,-0.55)$);}

    \tikz[overlay,remember picture]{\draw[draw=blue,thick,single,fill opacity=0.2] ($(newcolr)+(-0.19,0.28)$) rectangle ($(newcolr)+(11.9,-0.55)$);}



Best Answer

I would redesign your table as follows:

  • reordered code in editor such that, already in it, the code mimics the table structure. With this it is simpler to discover all missing parts of code
  • merge both tables in one
  • remove superfluous rules
  • use only rules defined in package booktabs
  • make your mwe works
    1. remove \tikzmark stuff (seems to be wrongly used)
    2. instead frame around rows use \rowcolor
    3. remove superfluous packages in preamble (like colorab, xcolor; both are loaded by beamer using option table ...)
  • replace unknown column type Y with S defined in package siunitx
  • in mwe consider only relevant packages and frame

this effort resulted with:

enter image description here

\documentclass[table,slidestop,compress,mathserif, 10pt]{beamer}
\setbeamersize{text margin left=10mm, text margin right=7mm}

\usepackage{array, booktabs, tabularx}

\frametitle{Subsample test}
                   %input-symbols =  ()[] ,
                   table-space-text-pre ={(},
                  table-align-text-pre =false,
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\textbf{Panel A: Group A}}                       \\
    & \mcx{(1)} & \mcx{(2)} & \mcx{(3)} & \mcx{(4)} & \mcx{(5)}     \\
A $\cdot$ B
    &  0.006    &  0.006    &  0.006    &  0.006    &  0.005        \\
    & [4.05]    & [2.58]    & [3.29]    & [3.06]    & [4.06]        \\
A   &  -0.004   &  -0.003   &  -0.003   &  -0.003   &  -0.003       \\
    & [-6.81]   & [-3.49]   & [-4.10]   & [-3.05]   & [-3.35]       \\
B   &           &           &  -0.002   &  -0.002   &               \\
    &           &           & [-1.60]   & [-1.55]   &               \\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\textbf{Panel B: Group X}}                       \\
X $\cdot$ Y
    &  0.003    &  0.002    &  0.002    &  0.002    &  0.002        \\
    & [1.44]    & [1.28]    & [1.40]    & [1.32]    & [1.24]        \\
X   &  -0.001   &  0.000    &  0.000    &  0.000    &  -0.001       \\
    & [-1.67]   & [0.04]    & [0.04]    & [0.04]    & [-1.08]       \\
Y   &           &           & -0.001    & -0.001    &               \\
    &           &           & [-1.06]   & [-1.00]   &               \\
    & {No}      & {Yes}     & {Yes}     & {Yes}     & {Yes}         \\
Group FEs
    & {Yes}     & {Yes}     & {No}      & {No}      & {Yes}         \\
Family FEs
    & {No}      & {No}      & {Yes}     & {Yes}     & {No}          \\
Individual FEs
    & {No}      & {No}      & {No}      & {Yes}     & {No}          \\
Family-Individual Clustering
    & {Yes}     & {Yes}     & {Yes}     & {Yes}     & {Yes}         \\
    & 8,895     & 7,654     & 7,654     & 7,654     & 4,538         \\
    & 0.48      & 0.53      & 0.40      & 0.41      & 0.54          \\

After that result in case that the rectangles around now colored rows are required for some reason, i would investigate how to properly use tikzmark for drawing them.

I guess that frames around rows should be as show next image. for it some changes to above mwe are done. indicated are with % <---:

enter image description here

To obtain above image of table the mwe had to be compiled at least twice.

\setbeamersize{text margin left=10mm, text margin right=7mm}

\usepackage{array, booktabs, tabularx}

\usepackage{tikz}                % <-------
\usetikzlibrary{calc, tikzmark}  % <-------

\frametitle{Subsample test}
                   %input-symbols =  ()[] ,
                   table-space-text-pre ={(},
                  table-align-text-pre =false,
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\textbf{Panel A: Group A}}                       \\
    & \mcx{(1)} & \mcx{(2)} & \mcx{(3)} & \mcx{(4)} & \mcx{(5)}     \\
\tikzmark{a1}    % <-------
A $\cdot$ B
    &  0.006    &  0.006    &  0.006    &  0.006    &  0.005        \\
    & [4.05]    & [2.58]    & [3.29]    & [3.06]    & [4.06]\tikzmark{a2}   \\    % <-------
A   &  -0.004   &  -0.003   &  -0.003   &  -0.003   &  -0.003       \\
    & [-6.81]   & [-3.49]   & [-4.10]   & [-3.05]   & [-3.35]       \\
B   &           &           &  -0.002   &  -0.002   &               \\
    &           &           & [-1.60]   & [-1.55]   &               \\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\textbf{Panel B: Group X}}                       \\
\tikzmark{b1}   % <-------
 X $\cdot$ Y
    &  0.003    &  0.002    &  0.002    &  0.002    &  0.002        \\
    & [1.44]    & [1.28]    & [1.40]    & [1.32]    & [1.24]\tikzmark{b2}   \\    % <-------
X   &  -0.001   &  0.000    &  0.000    &  0.000    &  -0.001       \\
    & [-1.67]   & [0.04]    & [0.04]    & [0.04]    & [-1.08]       \\
Y   &           &           & -0.001    & -0.001    &               \\
    &           &           & [-1.06]   & [-1.00]   &               \\
    & {No}      & {Yes}     & {Yes}     & {Yes}     & {Yes}         \\
Group FEs
    & {Yes}     & {Yes}     & {No}      & {No}      & {Yes}         \\
Family FEs
    & {No}      & {No}      & {Yes}     & {Yes}     & {No}          \\
Individual FEs
    & {No}      & {No}      & {No}      & {Yes}     & {No}          \\
Family-Individual Clustering
    & {Yes}     & {Yes}     & {Yes}     & {Yes}     & {Yes}         \\
    & 8,895     & 7,654     & 7,654     & 7,654     & 4,538         \\
    & 0.48      & 0.53      & 0.40      & 0.41      & 0.54          \\

\tikzset{frameline/.style = {draw=#1, thick, inner sep=2pt}} % <-------
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]                % <-------
\draw[frameline=blue] ($({pic cs:a1})+(-2ex,0.8em)$)         % <-------
    rectangle ($({pic cs:a2})+(3ex,-1ex)$);                  % <-------
\draw[frameline=red] ($({pic cs:b1})+(-2ex,0.8em)$)          % <-------
    rectangle ($({pic cs:b2})+(3ex,-1ex)$);                  % <------- 
\end{tikzpicture}                                            % <-------

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