[Tex/LaTex] Beamer navigation circles without subsections


I have been using the Frankfurt theme in Beamer recently. It includes navigational section titles at the top of the slide and when subsections are included, it adds circles below section titles. Each circle represents a slide. The circle representing the active slide is filled and the circles representing the active subsection are shown in bold.

My question is:

  • Is it possible to include navigational circles in a Beamer presentation to represent each slide while having sections, but not subsections?

My motivation:

  • I think this would be useful to highlight to readers the number of slides per section and it would also be a useful navigational tool.

Best Answer

You don't need to declare a subsection, raising it's counter by \setcounter{subsection}{1} or \stepcounter{subsection} would be sufficient.

But as the section counter resets the subsection counter, I would do it in the preamble together with removing it from the reset:

\usepackage{remreset}% tiny package containing just the \@removefromreset command

This way that counter will stay at the value 1 and the circles are shown without any \subsection.

A minimal working example demonstrating the solution:



alt text

If you uncomment the command \setcounter{subsection}{1} and compile twice, you could see the original problem of missing circles.