[Tex/LaTex] Beamer: how to justify the whole text

beamerhorizontal alignmenttext;

How can I justify the text in the whole document in beamer without using \usepackage{ragged2e} and \justifying at the beginning of each frame?

\usepackage{pifont} %used inside itemize environment \item[\ding{226}]


\item[\ding{226}] \lipsum[2]
\item[\ding{226}] \lipsum[3]


   \item[\ding{226}] \lipsum[4]

enter image description here

Edit: I had already checked this out but it does not work for both the columns and the itemize environment.

Best Answer

To patch "normal" frames, the solution can be found text justify in beamer

Itemize has also already a solution on this side: Justify text inside itemize environment with beamer class

But I could not find one to automatically justify the contents of columns. So I tried a bit, failed in the attempt to patch \begin{column}..., but with \column it works as following:

\usepackage{pifont} %used inside itemize environment \item[\ding{226}]



    \ifnum \@itemdepth >2\relax\@toodeep\else
    \beamer@computepref\@itemdepth% sets \beameritemnestingprefix
    \usebeamerfont{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body}%
    \usebeamercolor[fg]{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body}%
    \usebeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body begin}%
    {\usebeamertemplate{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item}}
                        \usebeamerfont*{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item}%
                        \usebeamercolor[fg]{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item}##1}}%
    \justifying% NEW
    %\raggedright% ORIGINAL

            \justifying% NEW




\item[\ding{226}] \lipsum[2]
\item[\ding{226}] \lipsum[3]


   \item[\ding{226}] \lipsum[4]

enter image description here