[Tex/LaTex] Beamer: Exclude TOC from increasing pagecounter


I would like to exlude the TOC slide which appear when ever a new 'section' starts to increase the pagecounter, automatically. Furthermore, it would be nice to hide the pagenumber of these TOC slides.

An example:

Currently its like this:
Titlepage ( in the right bottom corner: 1 / 34)
new section / TOC (2/34)
Content 1 (3/34)
new section / TOC (4/34)

Titlepage ( in the right bottom corner: 1 / 34)
new section / TOC (no pagenumber )
Content 1 (2/34)
new section / TOC (no pagenumber )

Best Answer

If you do not want to count the TOC slides in your pagecounter, you can reset the pagecounter after these slides with \addtocounter{page}{-1}. However this also affects the total number of frames, so it would for example be

1/32, none, 2/32, none ...

instead of your proposed

1/34, none, 2/34, none ...

To hide the page number on the TOC slides, you can try the option \begin{frame}[plain].



\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}











Based on @Tom's comment, here a more elegant solution


\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]

    \begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]






