[Tex/LaTex] Beamer custom colors not working as expected


I'm trying to set a custom color theme in Beamer, and it's not turning out how I thought it should.

Here's my color theme:

\definecolor{NASAred}{RGB}{252, 61, 33}
\definecolor{NASAblue}{RGB}{11, 61, 145}

\setbeamercolor{title}{bg=NASAblue, fg=white} % title block on first slide
\setbeamercolor{palette primary}{bg=NASAblue, fg=white} %right-hand side of bottom
\setbeamercolor{palette secondary}{bg=NASAred, fg=white} % center bottom
\setbeamercolor{palette tertiary}{bg=NASAblue,fg=white} % left bottom
\setbeamercolor{palette quaternary}{bg=NASAred,fg=white} %
\setbeamercolor{structure}{fg=NASAblue} % box headings

\setbeamercolor{section in toc}{fg=NASAblue} % TOC sections
\setbeamercolor{subsection in head/foot}{bg=NASAred,fg=white} %
\setbeamercolor{item projected}{fg=NASAblue, bg=white} %
\setbeamercolor{frametitle}{fg=NASAblue,bg=white} %
\setbeamercolor{local structure}{fg=NASAblue} %
\setbeamercolor{item projected}{fg=NASAblue,bg=white} %
\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}{\color{NASAblue}$\bullet$} %
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{\color{NASAblue}\scriptsize{$\bullet$}}%

And here's my results:

full image

Zoomed in:

enter image description here

Neither of the colors (which I got the RGB for from the official NASA style guide) look like the colors in the actual meatball (or like the samples in the style guide, when I put them next to each other). In particular, the blue looks too dark and the red looks too orange. I've tested this on three different monitors, so now I suspect that there are some darkening or lightening rules built into the custom colors in Beamer, instead of just using them as-is, but I can't find any documentation about it.

Does anyone know what's going on?

Best Answer

If you look at p. 12 of the design guide, the colours in the "Full color insignia" seems to be darker then in the logo on your slides - or on the logos which one finds on the internet.


I took the .svg of the meatball logo from Wikipedia and opened it with inkscape. For example for the blue area, I see the following values:

enter image description here

Either use these values for defining the beamer colours or take the values from the style guide and adjust the image accordingly.



\definecolor{NASAred}{RGB}{238, 41, 61}
\definecolor{NASAblue}{RGB}{26, 93, 173}

\setbeamercolor{title}{bg=NASAblue, fg=white} % title block on first slide
\setbeamercolor{palette primary}{bg=NASAblue, fg=white} %right-hand side of bottom
\setbeamercolor{palette secondary}{bg=NASAred, fg=white} % center bottom
\setbeamercolor{palette tertiary}{bg=NASAblue,fg=white} % left bottom
\setbeamercolor{palette quaternary}{bg=NASAred,fg=white} %
\setbeamercolor{structure}{fg=NASAblue} % box headings

\setbeamercolor{section in toc}{fg=NASAblue} % TOC sections
\setbeamercolor{subsection in head/foot}{bg=NASAred,fg=white} %
\setbeamercolor{item projected}{fg=NASAblue, bg=white} %
\setbeamercolor{frametitle}{fg=NASAblue,bg=white} %
\setbeamercolor{local structure}{fg=NASAblue} %
\setbeamercolor{item projected}{fg=NASAblue,bg=white} %
\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}{\color{NASAblue}$\bullet$} %
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{\color{NASAblue}\scriptsize{$\bullet$}}%




enter image description here

(Logo file taken from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e5/NASA_logo.svg)

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