Beamer Environments – Beamer Block Environment Without Title


Is it possible to create a customised beamer block environment that only has a body and not a title?

For example, I wish to typeset the following quote within a coloured block so that it stands out but I have no need for the block's title. I just want the quote to be superimposed on a coloured, rounded, and shadowed box.

{\large ``To be, or not to be: that is the question.''}
\hspace*\fill{\small--- William Shakespeare, Hamlet}

If not, are there suggestions for how to do this in another package, like tikz?

Best Answer

You could use an exampleblock environment with empty title:



  {\large ``To be, or not to be: that is the question.''}
  \hspace*\fill{\small--- William Shakespeare, Hamlet}


enter image description here

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