[Tex/LaTex] Beamer: background color for section page


I have defined a beamer template for a section page:

\setbeamertemplate{section page}

  \usebeamercolor[fg]{section title} 
  \usebeamerfont{section title} 

which I make appear at the beginning of each section:


Given that the background canvas of a frame has to be set before beginning the frame, is there any way to extend the template to include a background color for section pages?

What I'm doing right now is for every section:

\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=mySectionBackgroundColor}

But I would like to just do:


and have the background color set as part of the template.

Best Answer

You can set the background color inside the \AtBeginSection:

\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=blue}



should give you a blue page.