[Tex/LaTex] Background colouring (highlighting) for maths formula in Lyx


I want to highlight selected maths formulas in Lyx.

Is there a simple way of doing this from the GUI ?

I have tried selecting and right-clicking -> Text style , but that seems to change the font colour, not the background colour :

enter image description here

I have also tried the box menu -> shaded highlight, but the highlighting runs all the way across the page for some reason (in the PDF as well as in the Lyx GUI):

enter image description here

I am able to do this by entering Latex code for the highlighting and the formula, but I was hoping this highlighting from the Lyx GUI.

I am using Lyx version 2.2.3 with TexLive.

Best Answer

A quick hack for using \hl, is to write only \hl{ and } in ERTs, and write the math stuff using the LyX GUI. So it might look like this:

enter image description here

Another option is to define a new custom inset for \hl. Go to Document --> Settings --> Local layout, and add this:

InsetLayout Flex:highlight
    LyxType               custom
    LabelString           hl
    LatexType             command
    LatexName             hl
      Series              Bold
    InToc                 false
    HTMLTag               strong
    ResetsFont true

(Alternatively skip the Preamble block, and add those to the preamble manually.)

Now you should find hightlight under Insert -> Custom insets:

enter image description here

Add one of those insets, and add the inline math inside it. Might look like this:

enter image description here