[Tex/LaTex] Background color gradient for entire document


Is anyone aware if it's possible to change an entire document's background to a fading color?

In other words, can you take silver and slowly fade it to white from left to right and have this same effect throughout the entire document? I understand I could probably take Inkscape, make an image and put a background image for each page. I cannot find anything native which works so far.

Note that this is for a normal report based document and not for a beamer presentation.

Best Answer

contents={\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
 \path [left color = Gold2,middle color = Gold2!30, right color = white] (current page.south west)rectangle (current page.north east);   % Adjust the position of the logo.


enter image description here

I have chosen a conspicuous color. You may choose any color of your choice.