[Tex/LaTex] \autoref does not capitalize initial character in sentence when referencing label in listings environment


I have defined the following


and within my text


When I now use in my text

xxx. \autoref{sdd_1} 

then I receive the following output :

xxxx. line 1 

instead of (what I had expected)

xxxx. Line 1

Best Answer

\autoref doesn't do automatic capitalization, as the following example illustrates:




\autoref{sec:test} and a period before the reference. \autoref{sec:test}
\begin{lstlisting} [escapeinside=||,numbers=left]

\autoref{sdd_1}  and a period before the reference. \autoref{sdd_1}


You could use the cleveref package to have \cref (for lower case) and \Cref (for upper case):



\begin{lstlisting} [escapeinside=||,numbers=left]

\cref{sdd_1}  and a period before the reference. \Cref{sdd_1}


Edit: As MWin123 commented: By default \cref turns only the number "1" into a hyperlink, while \autoref makes the whole "line 1" a clickable link. Fortunately there's an option nameinlink for it, i.e., you can use \usepackage[nameinlink]{cleveref}

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