[Tex/LaTex] Automatic message “continue on next page” in all the pages (except the last)


I have critical document (aka a CV) with just two or three pages. Even when opened on screen it can look as if it has one page, because there is no clue (in the page) that the document continues.

Is there any package that can add either a "continued on next page" or an elegant arrow symbol "->" to hint that there is another page next.

I could use fancyhdr but it looks a complicated overkill because the exceptional page is the last one and not the first one. I want to avoid page numbering as well.

Best Answer

With fancyhdr, it is not complicated.

\rfoot{Continued on next page $\longrightarrow$}
\rfoot{This is other page}%

  \thispagestyle{empty}  %% or regular

enter image description here

With tikzpagenodes, needs 2-3 compilation runs.

 \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
   \draw[thick,magenta,latex-] (current page footer area.south east) -- +(-2cm,0)
             node[pos=1,anchor=east,text=blue] (a) {Continued on next page};

enter image description here

With eso-pic

      \makebox[0pt][r]{Continued on next page $\longrightarrow$}
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