[Tex/LaTex] Autofit a table to the column width


I am creating a two-column document using latex. I use the option \columnwidth to autofit a table to the column width, as shown in the following figure. The second column Value is too wide. How do I set equal width for two columns?

enter image description here

Here is my source code.

    \caption{Simulation parameters}
        Key                 & Value    \\
        simulation duration & 12 hours \\
        update interval     & 1s       \\
        time-to-live        & 12 hours \\
        buffer size         & infinite \\
        message interval    & 20s      \\

    \caption{Simulation parameters}
        Key                 & Value    \\
        simulation duration & 12 hours \\
        update interval     & 1s       \\
        time-to-live        & 12 hours \\
        buffer size         & infinite \\
        message interval    & 20s      \\
    \label{table: simulation parameters}

Best Answer


@Mico pointed out a much better solution to this problem, as tabularx already comes with the column type X, which automatically does what you want:




    \caption{Simulation parameters}
        Key                 & Value    \\
        simulation duration & 12 hours \\
        update interval     & 1s       \\
        time-to-live        & 12 hours \\
        buffer size         & infinite \\
        message interval    & 20s      \\
    \label{table: simulation parameters}


As you already know the total width of your table, you can define the width of the columns as a fraction of \columnwidth




    %% \centering % not needed
    \caption{Simulation parameters}
        Key                 & Value    \\
        simulation duration & 12 hours \\
        update interval     & 1s       \\
        time-to-live        & 12 hours \\
        buffer size         & infinite \\
        message interval    & 20s      \\
    \label{table: simulation parameters}


enter image description here

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